All About Dog Artist Keri Lyn Shosted index
About the Artist
Working out of her studio in Eagle, Idaho, Keri Lyn's art introduces a unique and whimsical look at her subjects, capturing colors to express emotions which are reflected in her pieces.
Keri Lyn combines an impressionistic view along with a radiant scheme to reveal the power of color and the charming nature of the animals she portrays. Her sensitivity toward the small and often overlooked elements are revealed through unusual angles, brilliant colors, and her focus on isolated images. Keri Lyn's rural Idaho lifestyle brings emotion and authenticity to her work. A passion for her subject matter often brings her to the places and events where many of her ideas are born. Previously noted for her work as a western artist, Keri Lyn has recently introduced her new edition of colorful canine portraits. With a style that reveals her natural talent, this up and coming young artist is already being  recognized in
world wide art circles.
Keri Lyn shares her home and art studio with an 85 pound mixed breed named Dally. Dally has two naughty little (well....big!) cats, Macho Turkey and Goose. Turkey and Goose, in turn, are the proud observers of Kung Fu, the red Beta fish. True to her artwork, Keri Lyn lives in a wonderful world of whimsy, right down to the yellow walls
and big pink couch....
so now you know where all that inspiration comes from!
What they Say....
What the Artist says...
About the Artist
First of all...

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! what I do for a living!
I feel so blessed to have found a way to make a living that surrounds me with WONDERFUL people, not to mention WONDERFUL ANIMALS!!

If I can give any advice at all, it would be this:
If you don't love what you are doing with your life...
STOP right now and change something! (there - I said take it for what its worth.)

So now that you know that I love what I do...
let me tell you WHY!

I love animals, I always have. I grew up around animals and have always had horses, dogs, and every pet that I could sneak into the house. I had actually started out seeking an Animal Science Degree in college...
thinking that I would like to be a veterinarian.

Ha! One semester of Science/Math, etc. and my poor creative brain was melting. Not to mention that I quickly discovered that I probably didn't have the stomach for
it either.

So what is a girl to do? Give her poor father complete anxiety, of course...when she decides to become

Oh yes...and that was the plan from the start. I didn't try
to fool anyone - I started out being completely
honest with myself and everyone else:
"Hello! Keri Lyn, Starving Artist, nice to meet you!"
...and don't even think I am kidding. Not one bit.

I think that if I had a fancy art degree (which I DO NOT),
then it is quite possible that the Starving Artist image
could have been devistating. know
what they say about "Nowhere to go but UP?"
You got it..and that is exactly what I did.

And I am continually learning...meeting new people and finding new outlets for my work.  Most of all, I try to
surround myself with the people and things that inspire
me to create more.  I own several crazy (really) animals
that lend me inspiration on a daily basis.

Anyway ~ please feel free to contact me and/or send me
photos of your wonderful animals...I never get tired of hearing about them.  In fact, in correspondence, just tell
me that you belong to: "Ringo" or "Bailey" or "Cosmo"...
or whoever your pet might be...because I can't promise that I will remember you, but if we have met before then I am certain to remember your animal!!

About the Artist
Best Wishes and Many Blessings,

Commission a Painting
Keri Lyn & brother Mike
finish Race to Robie Creek

(13.1 Miles ...up a VERY big hill...)
Keri Lyn and
her sturgeon catch
Keri Lyn and
Turkee & Goosee
Traveling to Art Shows
Waiting for UPS pickup!!
Rise N' Shine ...
Turkee wakes up!